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Americans Avoiding Marriage

Episode Summary

A government shutdown looks more likely with each passing day but, if it happens, it wouldn't be the first time, and one party seems far more likely to get the blame from Americans. Why don't Americans want to get married anymore? Marriage rates are way down over the decades, and we have our reasons... Finally, we end with a cinematic fun fact. If your life was a movie, what kind would it be?

Episode Notes

Federal government shutdowns are new, but they've become increasingly common as our politics has become ever-more polarized. But shutdowns during Clinton, Obama, and Trump all reflected much more poorly on one party. If House Speaker Kevin McCarthy shuts things down, will he help seal his party's fate in 2024?

Then, Americans are heading to the altar much less often than we did just a few decades ago. What's up? We're digging into a heap of data to understand why the bloom is off the (marriage) roses.

This week's fun fact has us wondering, would you go see the movie of your life?