Poll Hub

Aspartame and Food Safety Concerns

Episode Summary

The WHO and FDA are at odds about the safety of aspartame. However, given other worldwide food safety concerns, are there more pressing issues to discuss? Plus, AI is making its way into the education system, and there is an active discussion about whether or not AI will benefit the classroom. We take a look at the pros and cons. And, for our Fun Fact, we may not be able to control the grueling heat across the country, but we can control the thermostat. Where do you fall?

Episode Notes

Most Americans believe that it is the government's responsibility to ensure the safety of the food they eat. Yet, opinion divides about whether or not these institutions have the best interest of the public in mind. With the World Health Organization's recent concerns about Aspartame, a common sweetener present in some of our food and drinks, individuals may be more likely to set aside diet sodas. Yet, other food safety concerns may overshadow the importance of this one.

Then, while AI has been perceived as a means of cheating, some experts believe it can improve the classroom experience by fostering critical thinking. AI may prove to be a powerful motivator and tool for educators, but there are still challenges to overcome.

With many people facing extremely hot weather this summer, the thermostat is one attempt at temperature regulation. But, what exactly is the magic number? The Poll Hub team is divided on this one!