Poll Hub

Every 68 Seconds

Episode Summary

The race between Biden and Trump remains unchanged, but what happens when you include ALL the third-party candidates? Then, we sit down with the Marist Title IX coordinator to discuss recent polling regarding sexual harassment on college campuses. We wrap on a lighter note, which comedian would you support for President? Lee's pick is America's pick!

Episode Notes

The race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump remains very stable in our latest poll with NPR and the PBS NewsHour but that changes in potentially surprising ways once we bring third-party candidates into the mix. We're digging into these and other results from the survey.

Then, one study reports someone in the US is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. As college graduation season winds down, we're looking at the data and polls on sexual assault and harassment on college campuses. Kelly Yough, Title IX Coordinator at Marist College, joins to discuss how schools are trying to deal with the problem.

Finally, we wrap up with a comedic fun fact. Are you Team President Colbert, President Stewart, or President Fey?