Poll Hub

Final Battleground State Polls

Episode Summary

We'll know soon enough! Election Day is less than a week away and we've been polling like crazy. We'll look into the data from our national poll AND our final three state battleground polls: GA, PA, and AZ. Then, we end with a NOT Fun Fact but results from a series of 1937 polls that seems very relevant right about now.

Episode Notes

We're diving deep into the data from our new national poll with NPR and the PBS NewsHour to spot the national trends that are shaping this election. While many results seem to favor Republicans in general, one really stands out for how big a change it is from prior years' polling -- and it could signal a stronger Democratic showing than some expect.

We've also wrapped our final battleground state polls and the results from Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona are a mixed bag for both parties. There are very close senate races that will be decided by whose voters actually cast ballots on Election Day itself.

We end with a not-at-all Fun Fact from 1937 that asked voters some very pointed questions about religion and gender. Why? Because history may not repeat, but it echoes...