Poll Hub

They’re at It, Again!

Episode Summary

There's a big difference between public opinion polls and forecasters as the public discovered in 2016. Two years later, pollsters witness emerging, untested polling methods that run the risk of muddying the electoral narrative, once again.

Episode Notes

Perhaps, the great Yogi Berra said it best -- It’s deja vu all over again!

The lack of distinction between public opinion polls and forecasters in 2016 created a false aura of inevitability around Hillary Clinton. Two years later, pollsters witness emerging, untested polling methods that run the risk of muddying the electoral narrative, once again. Are these polling techniques good or bad science? What do pollsters and analysts need to do to better communicate the meaning behind the numbers to the public? The Poll Hub team weighs in with special guest Harry Enten, Senior Writer & Analyst for CNN Politics.

Then, The Marist Poll discusses a term to better explain what the electoral landscape looks like in some of 2018’s most competitive races. Find out who the persuadables are in this week’s Poll Hub.

Plus, President Donald Trump is highly popular, at least among Republicans. What does that mean in 2018?